Halder, Inc. - votre fournisseur d’éléments normalisés, de systèmes de bridage, d’outils à main et de produits aéronautiques


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Halder, Inc., situé à New Berlin (WI), est votre fournisseur d’éléments normalisés métriques / pouces, de systèmes de bridage, d’outils à main et de produits aéronautiques. Toutes les pièces sont produites par un fabricant allemand de premier plan. Nous offrons un service complet de haut niveau et un portefeuille de produits substantiel.

Centering Clamping Mandrels cylindrical

New article group for mounting on fixture plates by pressing into holes or screwing into threads.

Eccentric Clamping Clamps with slot tenon

Extension of the article group by a stainless steel version and a new article group with slot tenon.

Pitbull® Clamps

Extension of the Pitbull® clamps by further versions with blunt edge made of brass & machinable edge made of steel for form-fit clamping.

Locating Pins with ball end

Extension of the locating pins with ball end by new variants.


Extension of article groups EH 22030., EH 22050., EH 22060. and EH 22080. by further articles

Vé­rins de bri­dage

Expansion and redesign of the product group Down-Thrust Clamps.

Online Account

Benefits of registered users. Registered users can check prices and inventory availability. You can create quote request (also save for later use) and order products.

Just login or register first.

Quote request

Registered users have the benefit of saving the quote requests for future enquiries and simplifying the ability to place orders.


Once registered you can place orders products using your credit card or PayPal. Feel free to contact our sales team for large enquiries.